Fire And Snow Waltz

Special 8ºCold Fire provides Test Doll and Nº2 Blueprint. Note Specials only have a chance to drop a preset amount of Items/Foodstack except Blueprints which is affected by rank grade achieved at that zone. Commander & Metal Maiden EXP values are not static, but modified by Commander Level and/or Story Volume cleared.

  • 1Cold Fire

Cold Fire[edit | edit source]


  • Expedition grade at B

1-3 Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right. 4-6 Step big step to right, drag left next to right, touch tip of left toe next to right. Option: start bringing right arm up on 5, continue to bring arm up turning palm up on 6. GRAPEVINE, ½ TURN Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right Step ¼ turn right on right, at this point couples will disconnect left hands Step forward on left while dropping right hands that are still connected.

Petrol Cost: 63

Cold Fire - Zone 1[edit | edit source]

Terrain:Grass Hills


  • Mecha Tortoise (Level 37)

Item Drops:

  • 1/2 Test Doll
  • 2/4/9 G-Iron

Foodstack Drops:

  • 280-1133 EXP Italian Coffee

Resource Drops:

Fire And Snow Waltz
  • 3800 Silver
  • 1150 Commander EXP
  • 281 Metal Maiden EXP

Cold Fire - Zone 2[edit | edit source]

Terrain:Desert Hills


  • Mecha Tortoise (Level 37)
  • R1 Lizard (Level 37)
Fire And Snow Waltz

Item Drops:

  • 1/2 Test Doll
  • 2/4/9 G-Iron

Foodstack Drops:

  • 280-1133 EXP Italian Coffee

Resource Drops:

  • 3800 Silver
  • 1150 Commander EXP
  • 282 Metal Maiden EXP

Cold Fire - Zone 3[edit | edit source]

Terrain:Desert Valley


  • Mecha Tortoise (Level 37)
  • R1 Lizard (Level 37)
  • Armoured Iguana (Level 52)

Item Drops:

  • 2/3 Test Doll
  • 2/4/9 G-Iron
  • 1 B/A rank 2 S Rank Nº2 Blueprint
  • 1 G-Corn

Foodstack Drops:

  • 280-1133 EXP Italian Coffee

Resource Drops:

  • 3800 Silver
  • 3150 Commander EXP
  • 286 Metal Maiden EXP

Cold Fire - Zone 4[edit | edit source]

Terrain:Dirt Streets


  • Rhino (Level 38)

Item Drops:

  • 1/2 Test Doll
  • 2/4/9 G-Iron

Foodstack Drops:

  • 280-1133 EXP Italian Coffee

Fire And Snow Waltz Line Dance Teach

Resource Drops:

  • 3800 Silver
  • 1150 Commander EXP
  • 288 Metal Maiden EXP

Cold Fire - Zone 5[edit | edit source]

Terrain:Rocky Streets


  • Anteater (Level 39)
  • Rhino (Level 38)

Item Drops:

  • 1/2 Test Doll
  • 2/4/9 G-Iron

Foodstack Drops:

  • 280-1133 EXP Italian Coffee

Resource Drops:

  • 3800 Silver
  • 1150 Commander EXP
  • 290 Metal Maiden EXP

Cold Fire - Zone 6[edit | edit source]

Terrain:Snow Streets


  • Anteater (Level 39)
  • Rhino (Level 54)
  • Skunk (Level 40) ]]
  • Jungle Bull (Level 40) ]]

Item Drops:

Fire And Snow Waltz

  • 2/3 Test Doll
  • 2/4/9 G-Iron
  • 1 B/A rank 2 S Rank Nº2 Blueprint
  • 1 G-Corn

Foodstack Drops:

  • 280-1133 EXP Italian Coffee

Resource Drops:

Fire And Snow Waltz Line Dance

  • 3800 Silver
  • 3150 Commander EXP
  • 296 Metal Maiden EXP

Fire And Snow Waltz Line Dance

See Also[edit | edit source]

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